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Deep Purple - history, hits & highlights '68-'76 [Videoupptagning]

Medverkande: Materialtyp: FilmFilmSpråk: museng Utgivningsinformation: London Eagle Vision p 2009Beskrivning: 2 DVD-Video 4 tim., 47 minÄmnen:
Innehåll: History of Deep Purple from 1968 to 1976 ; Hits Mk I: Help ; Hush ; Wring that neck ; Hits Mk II: Hallelujah ; Mandrake root ; Speed king ; Black night ; Child in time ; Lazy ; Strange kind of woman ; Fireball writing session ; Fireball ; Demon's eye ; No no no ; Into the fire ; Never before ; Highway star ; Smoke on the water ; Hits Mk III: Burn ; Mistreated ; Hits Mk IV: Love child ; You keep on moving ; Highlights Mk I: And the address ; Mk II: Wring that neck ; Wring that neck ; Mandrake root ; Black night ; No no no ; No no no ; Mk III: "JT nuit" ; Leeds Polytechnic student project featuring Burn, Space truckin' ; Mk IV: New Zealand TV documentary ; Deep Purple's founder manager Tony Edwards
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Innehåll: History of Deep Purple from 1968 to 1976 ; Hits Mk I: Help ; Hush ; Wring that neck ; Hits Mk II: Hallelujah ; Mandrake root ; Speed king ; Black night ; Child in time ; Lazy ; Strange kind of woman ; Fireball writing session ; Fireball ; Demon's eye ; No no no ; Into the fire ; Never before ; Highway star ; Smoke on the water ; Hits Mk III: Burn ; Mistreated ; Hits Mk IV: Love child ; You keep on moving ; Highlights Mk I: And the address ; Mk II: Wring that neck ; Wring that neck ; Mandrake root ; Black night ; No no no ; No no no ; Mk III: "JT nuit" ; Leeds Polytechnic student project featuring Burn, Space truckin' ; Mk IV: New Zealand TV documentary ; Deep Purple's founder manager Tony Edwards

Sång och tal på engelska, talet delvis textat på engelska, franska, spanska, tyska och otextat

Regionfri; bildformat: 4:3; ljudformat: Dolby digital stereo


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